TraderSmith applies the rules of CAN SLIM Investing System, propounded by its Founder William J. O'Neil in a swing trading environment to help investors take advantage of short term trends. It combines fundamental and technical analysis to increase the potential for success. Most trades last 2 to 15 days. In a strong market the profit goal is around 7% on the upside with a stop loss of 3%. TraderSmith is pretty nibmle, to the goals are quickly adjusted to fit the character of the market.
TraderSmith applies the rules of CAN SLIM Investing Methodology in a swing trading environment to help you invest successfully in short term trends.
This is a proprietary product of William O’Neil India that caters to the needs of investors interested in swing trading. With a solid experience of nearly 60 years, they have studied almost every market cycle in detail. These studies have been incorporated in their research methodology to identify the top-performing stocks for you.